- Where nobody thinks long enough there is no conscience.

- I'm ashamed of those who keep both ends meet with lip-servicing for that is only an reflection of the active participation of the personality in the dynamic reality.

- Even the greatest of men cannot reach the reality whereas his ideas can. That is possible only for the plebeian.

- The oppression of the emotional activity of the spirit threatens the human values. The circle of the diverse spiritual energy - it is the immortality.

- Only the boor needs a diploma document in order to succeed in life.

- If you are after money you will never gain as much as you want. If you are above this you will gain everything which neither money nor anybody else can give you.

- If I were blind who would blame me of blindness? But I'm not and nobody will forgive me I lived like a blind man.

- Nothing exists irresponsibly in that world, even less irresponsibility itself.

- The soul can not be killed easily for soul and faith in justice are one and the same thing.

- To claim that the subjective factor is the more decisive one from the objective is a case of responsible thinking. Yet why do people not think in that way as they will think in 1000 years in order to solve the problems of the day. Their only obstacle is time and it is an objective factor.
