  1. The world will be changed by people, who have the wisdom of the childhood and the experience of the maturity all together.
  2. The man was learnt to kill animals, to kill himself, to kill the new generation. The new generation starts to kill as well - first the animals, then its members and then the next generation, etc. When we speak about this total war we ask "Why should we die?" Why? The answer is: because the stomach will die.
  3. The mankind respects numerous things, lives and dies striving for them, but there is only One for which a word is not found yet and the mankind goes to it living and dying for this purpose.(06,07-1982)
  4. In a society where the law tolerates the Lillyputes, there is no room for Guiliver even if he can move a mountain in their honor and glory.
  5. The Beauty is the only sense of human life not just an external expression, it is a state of the soul. Nevertheless, the society develops in the name of the Beauty, following its laws. The Beauty exists to such extent and in such forms that are adequate to the soul of the person, who percepts it. The matter is not only related to the values, but to the world of the soul. Therefore, the human progress exists due to the survivors, not to the creators of the progress. The Beauty is Beauty if it is accepted as such. For all the rest the Beauty is only form of external expression and its consumption brings pleasure, but not its creation.
  6. On the basis of the traditional perception of the world each reproduction, which enriches the society ( in particular the person) admits production wasting enormous resources for the denial i.e. for the destruction of the very same society. The classical society can not avoid this parallel regularity. The people remain at the same level of poverty (in the general sense of this word) only the denial is enriched. If the denial is more refined the respective person is more pathetic and the same refers to the meaning of his existence. Most probably God will shorten life prior the mankind can realize its absurdness.
  7. The life is art, the greatest art of all is to create persons. Why do we try then with Sezeific efforts to establish an uniform program to be applied in the educational system?
    Does the Creator, whoever he is, create art directly following some program? This should be the pedagogical concept. The teacher should be a creator.
  8. To believe in truth, which is so relative - this is a fallacy. What is the truth? What should I believe in? To believe in something I had never felt and seen with my eyes - it is a hypocritical or to believe in something which is not in conformity with my common sense - this is even more dangerous, it's wrong.
    Then ?
    The truth is an integral part of man. As much as a person protects his individual nature, he can see more and more truth. A lot of factors influence man and he can not be completely individual, that is why there is no absolute truth. Only the generation adequate to the soul of the society can come closer to the absolute truth. But the soul of the society is an attribute to the conception of the previous generation. Therefore, the elder generation should learn how from the young one. What a paradox! But alas, it's a 'great' truth. It is the future. Each deviation will lead to disastrous anachronism.
              June 28, 1982, 7:00 a.m.
  9. If the society gives birth, it can give birth to a genuine freak. Does it mean that he is bringing the truth? /Hitler, Napoleon, Alexander The Great/.
    To elaborate a pragmatic truth and say that it is the truth of the time - it is dogmatic. We, the elder generation are the least of all, who can announce the truth of time. If our truth does not make our soul noble, doesn't make the young generation happy, if this truth doesn't really correspond to ourselves, but to what we would like to be (or not to be), then it is not the truth of the time, but only fallacy and idiocy.
    The time has only one truth and it is not created or discovered. It is part of us. It is brought by the young generation. It is a result of the divine beginning, undiscovered communications of the young person with the most perfect, most sublime, most essential
    Values reached by the elder generation.
  10. God does not need our prays or hails, but we do it, because it reminds us of HIM and HIS presence in HIS creations, surrounding us and bringing solely harmony with our souls in order to make it more noble with the most sublime sentiments.