- There isn't such a suffering which can be compared with the clear comprehension that one is deprived of the possibility to run away from the commercial way of life.

- The biggest gift by nature to man is susceptibility of change.

- The great knowledge is an unbelievable happiness. That's why it can only be redeemed by an ocean of altruistic suffering.

- We are all born equally beautiful and we all die different ugly.

- A partial supporter of the official order is only the plebeian. Deprived from fantasy, deprived from noble values, in the established legal order he finds shelter of his egoistic interests and answers of his stupidity, which he can only conceal behind loyalty and service. He is the bearer of regress. Of course, just for vindication he has numerous well-grounded arguments. But narrow-minded out of stupidity he will never perceive the other argument in human life which is the herald of a lofty spiritual life; a life spurred by the bright conscience of the artist who is high above the vanity of the prejudices and power. The plebeian finds sense for living in power only.

- The real man cannot possess power for it hurts most of all his dignity, humiliating that of others. Thus only those who are dep[rived of dignity can exercise power.

- Man views people from his point of understanding. If he looks haughty at them with the feeling of superiority he is their slave. If he thinks himself a leader, he is in fact a slave. If he thinks himself a shepherd, he is a sheep. The real man respects the dignity of others more than that of himself to afford such a debasement

- The welfare of a society is due only to its superstructure that gives the individual the opportunity to come closer to his real nature.

- Education doesn't provoke talent. It cultivates common values.

- I'm burning with desire to see people in their real light, living a real life. Maybe they will look different even totally of antipode to me (that's the diversity of life), but only because they will be exulted, happy and beautiful I will be contented. Then we will build the New Society ... it is well-known.
