  1. Who needs these monuments when they teach imitation of the idol not showing that the idol didn't imitate anybody.
  2. Love is something like an instinct how to master the spirit not the body. Thus each diversion is a kind of perversion.
  3. People live and then die. That is the rule of live from the Creation. But this does not console me for man is a unique creature. He is born immortal and dies with each sacrificed passing day.
  4. The statesman "dwarf" wants to form us up in lines in order to turn that sea of people into a paddle to be trodden on. The great statesman conquers the minds with the power of his ideas giving freedom to thinking, deviating from the standard.
  5. If you provoke man's conscience the authorities will accuse you of rebelling. At the same time all this established way of life relieves the conscience by all legal rights but this act isn't acclaimed as an inducement.
  6. I am a rolling stone just like homeless dogs that have no owners. But I don't want to be a master to anybody and at the same time I don't want to be subjected to anybody. And the wandering dogs find their killer, don't they?
  7. Human society possesses better organization than animal societies.
  8. The aim of art is not only to reflect the reality truly entertaining us with interesting stories in order to satisfy our eager for learning or to move us just to compensate our life deprived of emotions. Reflecting reality art could not move us far from what we know and what has changed us. Today art is shy, apolitical - an art of joys and delights. The true art is like a fire about which Michelangelo says "to understand him you have to sacrifice your life". The true art should provoke our conscience to straighten our thoughts to enchant the minds with the magnificence of its ideas. True art can be created only by those who live spirited towering above the vanity of everything which is transitory.
  9. The state is our suckling mother. Everyone who let it feed him should bark and bite.
  10. Prospering man /breakthrough man/ - a creature that uses all means for personal enrichment permitted with the silent consent of the law.